Radnor House
We are delighted that we are one of their charities of the year for 2022.
Radnor House are organising a charity golf day on Sunday 12 June.
They will be holding a auction and raffle on the day, donations are welcome.
We are also delighted to be the chosen charity this year for Scor.
As well as fundraising for us this year they are offering lots of practical support and advice in our continued development.
Skydiving fundraiser
Adrienne is doing a sky dive in memory of Sam and she is raising money for Living On as she does this amazing tribute challenge. Please get behind her and donate and share her fundraising page. Thank you Adrienne for supporting Living On. Please click here to donate.
Farnborough OBG support Living On as their charity of the year

We are thrilled that Farnborough OBG football club had chosen us as their charity of the year . Thank you to Luke Johnston and all at the club for supporting Living On. Look out for details of their charity games. We think these football shirts look fabulous

Our Christmas party at the High Elms Golf club 2019
Orpington Road Runners High Elms 10k race – 9th June
Orpington Road Runners are supporting Living On for 2019 and on Sunday, 9th June they are organising their annual High Elms 10k race. This is their main fund raising event for the year.
The High Elms 10k is a tough, but well-regarded race. The race is a single lap, chip-timed event around the paths and trails of the park. There’s car parking, medals, all profits go to Living On Bereavement and we receive great feedback on the organisation and supportive marshalling.
Entry are at runbritain.com to your club members and ORRs look forward to welcoming runners, families and supporters on the day.
Living On Presents Bollywood Ball – Saturday 22 June 2019
Orpington Methodist Church May Walk 2019
Every year Orpington Methodist Church arranges a sponsored walk the proceeds of which have benefited many charities both local and international over the years. This year we were extremely pleased and grateful that they decided to support Living On as one of their local charities. The walk took place on Saturday 11th May 2019 around the local Kent countryside.

The main circular walk is 30k starting and finishing in Orpington; a Midi 20k walk starting at Shoreham Village and a Mini 10k walk starting at Eynsford. It’s a great fun day out, with children, parents, grandparents and dogs all taking part and joining together to raise money for great causes.
Fundraising by Pollyanna Palmer
We want to thank the wonderful Pollyanna who was extremely brave by having her hair cut short in memory of family friend Paula Davis to raise money for Living On. It was a very courageous thing to do and we are very proud of her.
Pollyanna said ‘I’m doing this for Paula because she was one of my friends. I am sad that she has passed. She had a good personality and she was lucky to have amazing children.
The event took place on Saturday 9th December 2017 and because of peoples wonderful generosity Pollyanna raised a staggering £728.
Orpington Methodist Church Annual May Walk 2017
The walk took place on 13th May 2017 around the local Kent countryside.
It was a great fun day out, with children, parents, grandparents and dogs all taking part and joining together to raise money for great causes. This year was their 50th Walk and they had record numbers of walkers.
We were delighted to receive over £2,500.
London MarathonOur very own operational Manager Heather Williams ran the marathon for Living On in April 2017. She raised an amazing total of over £3,000. Thank you to everyone who supported Heather.
Christmas Shopping Event
We raised £250.00 at our Christmas shopping event in November 2016.
Prudential RideLondon Surrey100
Paul cycled the Surrey100 on 31st July 2016 in support of Living On. Thank you to Paul who raised £600.
Crazy Hair Day at Warren Road Primary School
Friday 13 May 2016
Olivia’s Ball at The Warren, Metropolitan Police Club Hayes
Saturday 14 May 2016
Fashion Show at Torza Boutique
Thursday 10 December 2015
Thank you to everyone who came along to support the evening. We raised £800.
Coffee Morning at Sam King’s
Wednesday 11 November 2015
Thank you to everyone who came along to support us. We raised £420.